I've Fallen in Love with My Best Friend. Should I Risk Everything and Tell Her? advice: relationship lauren gray

You’re in love with your best friend. Of course, you are, she’s amazing!

You talk all the time, you have so much fun together, and now, you want to take it to the next level.

Problem is, how do you tell her? Do you risk everything and tell her? What if she already has a boyfriend or...

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My Boyfriend Is Stressed and Depressed advice: relationship john gray

Stress and depression can affect a man’s ability to be in a loving and healthy relationship.

There are times when he is just too stressed out to give himself wholly to anyone and he pulls away. Completely.

Although it can be painful, it’s important for a woman to understand this and...

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Want a Successful Relationship? When Your Partner Lets You Down, Do This. advice: relationship lauren gray

Want a successful relationship? I’ll let you in on a secret.

Successful doesn’t mean “perfect.” Perfect doesn’t exist. It’s how you react to the imperfections that decide what kind of relationship you have.

These “mistake” moments are opportunities...

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Hot and Cold? How to Tell If He Has Real Feelings for You. advice: relationship lauren gray

Is he acting hot and cold? Making you think “He loves me!” and the next minute thinking “Does he even care at all?!”

Some things in life are complicated — like untangling the chain of a necklace (why is this so hard?!) — but this, thankfully, can be resolved...

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How to Share Insecurities with Your Partner advice: relationship lauren gray

It’s natural to have insecurities be triggered when you’re in a relationship.

The problem is when you go to express those insecurities to your man in order to get reassurance and boost your confidence, it goes sideways.

Rather than give you what you want, he often pulls away even...

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The Most Common Mistakes Women Make When Trying to Get a Guy to Commit advice: relationship lauren gray

You’re ready to take the next step in your relationship, whether that’s saying I love you, getting engaged, moving in together, being exclusive, setting the date…But he just won’t commit!

He’s dragging his feet and this, my friend, calls for an intervention.

We need...

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Why Men Run from Intimacy and Commitment advice: dating advice: relationship lauren gray

You took the next step in intimacy and commitment and now he’s disappeared, cooled off, or acting totally weird!

Why do men run away right when it gets good? And can you trust him after this?

Great questions. The good news is: I have answers and a path to peace of mind.

In this post,...

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The Myth of the Honeymoon Phase and Why This Could Change Everything advice: relationship lauren gray

Are you already starting to have issues even though you “should be” in the honeymoon phase?

It’s easy to doubt whether you’re with the right person at this point. After all, isn’t the beginning supposed to be the most romantic, easy, fun time?

Actually, for a lot of...

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What to Do When Youā€™re in Love with an Unavailable Man advice: relationship lauren gray

He’s perfect in every way! Except he’s totally unavailable. He’s busy. He’s inconsistent. He won’t commit.

This sucks. But I’ve got good news!

There is a way to create a loving relationship with this guy and I’m going to show you how.

I’ve been in...

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What Do I Do When My Man Goes to His Cave? advice: relationship john gray

When a man pulls away in a relationship (what I call “cave time”), the woman who loves him can start to feel insecure in their relationship.

That insecurity can have a domino effect and push him even further away, sometimes to the point of ending the relationship.

So, how do you avoid...

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Why Most Married Men Have Low Libido advice: relationship advice: wellness john gray

There’s the old joke about married couples not having much sex with each other. Well, that joke came from reality, so don’t beat yourself up over having low libido with your wife or partner. It’s normal!

However, just because it’s “normal” doesn’t mean...

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Four Warning Signs in a Relationship advice: relationship john gray

Breaking up is hard. It’s even harder when you don’t see it coming.

Love isn’t easy. There are always ups and downs. So how do you know when your relationship is actually in trouble? That’s what I’ll show you today.

I call these warning signs the Four Rs, and they...

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How to Have a Complaint-Free Relationship advice: relationship john gray

The thought of never having to hear another complaint sounds like heaven, right?

But complaints are a part of life. To not complain is to hide a part of our authentic self.

Sharing complaints is actually not the real problem; it’s how you’re sharing your complaints that creates a...

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How to Get Closure After a Breakup advice: relationship lauren gray

How to get closure after a breakup was not the first question I had after my heart was broken but it was the most important.

The first time I experienced a breakup, I cried every night through the night for 6 months asking “Why, why, why?” For perspective: we had only dated 5 months.

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My Husband Doesnā€™t Tell Me Certain Things advice: relationship john gray

He used to talk to you about everything. Now, if you’re lucky, he grunts.

The good news? You can absolutely improve your communication (and relationship) with your loved one.

In the following video and post, I’ll reveal what I call the 5Cs — the things a woman unknowingly...

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What "Leave Me Alone" Actually Means in a Relationship (for Men and Women) advice: dating advice: relationship lauren gray

In a relationship, is there anything more gut-wrenching (or confusing!) than the phrases “Leave me alone” or “I need space”?

UGH. What are you supposed to do with that?!

What does it mean? What should you do?

The stakes are high. In this post and video, I’m going to...

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3 Easy Ways to Immediately Improve Communication with Your Partner advice: dating advice: relationship lauren gray

When it comes to “communication,” I’m sure you’ve heard you can’t have a healthy relationship without it.

But what if the communication in your relationship isn’t all that great? What if:

  • He gives you one-word answers?
  • You don’t share stuff with each...
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The Venus Talk: How Couples Can Communicate Better advice: relationship lauren gray

People that succeed in relationships do two things very well:

  1. They communicate effectively when they’re happy.
  2. They communicate effectively when they’re upset.

And you’re probably wondering: “How do my partner and I communicate effectively when one of us is upset?”...

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